Early in his career, Dr. Schwebel helped open and operate free drop-in centers in Berkeley and San Francisco, California. He also started a private practice and maintained it until recently when travel demands made it impossible to continue. In 1981, he moved to Tucson, Arizona where he directed a community-based drug treatment agency and began to actively engage in local and national media. For nine years he wrote a weekly psychology column for the Sunday edition of the Arizona Daily Star. He hosted a series of monthly television specials called “Good Loving” for the NBC affiliate in Tucson. He appeared on the Oprah Show, The Today Show, The CBS Early Show, CNN interviews, and provided interviews for local media across the country. For several years he served as resident psychologist answering questions on “Ask the Family Psychologist” at ivillage.com. He has been the subject of articles in national print media including Newsweek, USA Weekend, Parents Magazine, Redbook, and U.S. News and World Report.
Over the years, Dr. Schwebel has been involved in community issues, serving first on the Tucson Council and then on the Governor’s Council for Children Youth and Families in Arizona. On the national level, he was the author of a monograph Helping Your Children Navigate Their Teenage Years: A Guide for Parents for the White House Council on Youth Violence. His work extended across the border to Mexico when he was appointed and served for many years on the public health committee of the Arizona-Sonora Commission.
Currently he develops materials for The Seven Challenges and remains active in program oversight and clinical direction along with a team of trainers and co-workers. He writes articles and has become a regular contributor to thefix.com and the Psychology Today blog. He remains active in promoting drug policy reform. His wife, Claudia, has been a close companion in all of this work. She and he have two adult children and live in Tucson.


Dr. Schwebel has focused on couple and family relationships as co-author of Guide to a Happier Family and author of Who’s on Top, Who’s on Bottom: How Couples Can Learn to Share Power. He also co-authored a workbook Focus On Forever for the American Academy for Matrimonial Lawyers.
His other books have focused on drug
issues: Saying NO is Not Enough and Keep Your Kids Tobacco Free.
His various books have been translated into six languages (German, Turkish,
Chinese, Spanish, Portuguese, and Croatian).