"You have more personal power and can do more good than you might have imagined…for yourself, the people you love, and the world."
Welcome to my online resource where I’m going to focus on presenting information on the three major interests of my career.
Helping people form cooperative and loving relationships
Providing counseling services that support individuals in taking control of their lives
Developing a program for alcohol and other drug problems
These interests all involve the empowerment of people to believe in themselves; a caring heart and the ability to share power; and an understanding of the ways in which circumstances influence our lives.
I want to share my knowledge and many years of experience with anyone who is
interested. I don’t claim to have all the answers. But, there’s so much we need to do to make psychology better serve individuals and confront the hardships and injustices that impinge upon our well-being: I’m not going to sit on the sidelines.
Latest Book
Leap of Power was written to provide practical help and positive support to anyone who’s concerned about their use of alcohol or other drugs.
I wanted to say that there are many options available to people who want to change, that they can make their own decisions about how and when to change, and they can be successful. This is completely contrary to the dominant belief that people are powerless over drugs. In fact, this is really a call to action to say “You can do it.” Millions of people have overcome their drug problems. This book offers specific guidance so that everyone who has a problem with drugs can have an opportunity to create a better life.